I mentor undergraduate reading projects as part of the Undergraduate Reading Program (DRP) at UT Austin. The topics have been:
Fall 2023: Randomized Algorithms in Numerical Linear Algebra.
Spring 2023: Introduction to Graph Theory.
UT Austin
Fall 2023: M383C Methods of Applied Mathematics. Grader. Instructor: Todd Arbogast.
Spring 2023: M358K Applied Statistics. Grader. Instructor: Joel Nibert.
Fall 2022: M427J Differential Equations with Linear Algebra. Teaching Assistant. Instructor: Raymond Heitmann.
Spring 2022: M362K Probability I. Grader. Instructor: Kanthimathi Sathasivan.
Fall 2021: M362K Probability I. Grader. Instructors: Kanthimathi Sathasivan and Ngoc Tran.